Thursday, 5 February 2015

And the Canterbury econ department goes to hell in a handbasket

It has been pointed out to me that the graduate offerings in economics at Canterbury this year are
ECON 610-S1/S2 Directed Readings in Economics I
ECON 613-S1/S2 Directed Readings in Economics II
ECON 641-S2 Monetary Economics: Theory
ECON 642-S1 Monetary Economics: Policy
ECON 643-S2 International Finance
ECON 644-S2 Microeconomics I
ECON 667-S1 Behavioural Economics
ECON 668-S2 Experimental Economics
Now one semester of micro, one of 'metrics and no macro at all is not a grad program. The offerings in non-core papers are thin on the ground as well.

What was once the best econ department in the country has been, deliberately we assume, turned to crap. Not a good look.


Mark Hubbard said...

Why have they done this?

What is Canterbury University (where I got my Arts degree from) 'known' for now? Ie, what discipline is its supposed strength?

Paul Walker said...

Engineering, I guess, is still the major strength.