Tim Besley and Maitreesh Ghatak discuss this issue in a column at VoxEU.org. They start by explaining
The term property right refers to an owner's right to use a good or asset for consumption and/or income generation (referred to as "use rights"). It can also include the right to transfer it to another party, in the form of a sale, gift or bequest ("transfer rights"). A property right also typically conveys the right to contract with other parties by renting, pledging, or mortgaging a good or asset, or by allowing other parties to use it, for example, in an employment relationship.Peruvian economist Hernando de Soto is one economist who has forcefully argued for the importance of property rights to development.
By property rights, economists typically refer to private property rights, a key feature of which is being able legally to exclude others from using a good or asset. This affects resource allocation by shaping the way that individuals choose to carry out productive activities involving the use of the good or asset, undertake investments that maintain or enhance its value, and also, to trade or lease the asset for other uses.
According to him, what the poor lack is easy access to the property mechanisms that could legally fix the economic potential of their assets so that they could be used to produce, secure, or guarantee greater value in the market. Therefore, even when they have some assets, they are "dead" capital.Besley and Ghatak go on to explain that economists have emphasized four main aspects of how property rights affect economic activity.
- The first is expropriation risk – insecure property rights imply that individuals may fail to realise the fruits of their investment and efforts.
- Second, insecure property rights lead to costs that individuals have to incur to defend their property, which, from the economic point of view, is unproductive.
- The third is failure to facilitate gains from trade – a productive economy requires that assets be used by those who can do so most productively, and improvements in property rights facilitate this. In other words, they enable an asset's mobility as a factor of production (e.g., via a rental market).
- The fourth is the use of property in supporting other transactions. Modern market economies rely on collateral to support a variety of financial market transactions, and improving property rights may increase productivity by enhancing such possibilities.
The first is a measure of the security of property rights from the International Country Risk Guide. It is measured on a scale between 0 and 10. A higher score corresponds to better protection of property rights. Figure 1 shows that this score is positively correlated with income per capita. In other words, countries with a higher risk of expropriation have lower levels of income per capita.
The second measure comes from the World Bank’s Doing Business project. We focus on a measure of the ease with which individuals can register their property, specifically the country's rank on this measure for 172 countries. This is a purely administrative dimension to property rights and follows the logic of the de Soto argument. Figure 2 shows that this too is strongly negatively correlated with income per capita in 2000. Thus, this more administrative dimension of property rights is weaker in low-income countries
Taking these two figures together, they illustrate the central proposition that improving property rights is associated with economic development. But what is not clear is which way the causation runs. Is it that economic development induces a switch to improved property rights or is it that property rights facilitating economic development. Besley and Ghatak go on to say,
The economics literature now has a plethora of microeconomic studies that suggest that securing private property affects economic decisions in the way that the theory suggests. For example, improving squatters’ rights in Peru seems to have reduced the need to use guards according to Erica Field (2007). Her work on Peru with Maximo Torrero also suggests that property titles are associated with increase in approval rates on public sector loans by as much as 12% when titles are requested by lenders (Field and Torrero 2006).While property rights help development, the creation of private property rights cannot be taken for granted. To get effective private property rights a course has to be steered between, on the one hand, anarchy and on the other, predation.
In a related study, Sebastian Galiani and Ernesto Schargrodsky (2005) have looked at the collateral effect of property rights reform. They look at a group of squatters who occupied an area of wasteland in the outskirts of Buenos Aires more than 20 years ago from the time of the study. An expropriation law was subsequently passed, ordering the transfer of the land from the original owners to the state in exchange for a monetary compensation, with the purpose of entitling it to the squatters. They find that it improved housing investment, among other things.
In a state of anarchy, the main problem is dispersed coercive power, as now characterises warlord societies. The obvious answer is to create a monopoly protector as suggested, centuries ago, by Thomas Hobbes. But who is to protect the citizens against Leviathan? This is the problem of predation.All societies have had to grapple with this dilemma at one point or another in their history and many continue to do so. That the West has managed to, by and large, achieve a workable balance helps explain its economics growth. Just compare property rights and growth in Western Europe, post 1600, with that of Russia over the same period to see the point. Besley and Ghatak note,
There are a number of ways of dealing with these issues, most notably by building political institutions that create effective checks and balances and establish the rule of law in a way that is binding on policy makers. But these require more than the stroke of a pen. A lot rests on the reputation of government that needs to recognise its long-run interest ahead of short-term gains from expropriating property. History is replete with examples where governments have expropriated their citizens. A case in point is modern day Zimbabwe, where Robert Mugabe seized the property of farmers to distribute to his political supporters.And the effects of the Mugabe approach to property right are all too obvious when you look at what passes for an economy in Zimbabwe. Especially in agricultural sector.
Policymakers who are aware of the problem of predation can seek innovative ways of creating secure property. One possibility is to tolerate some amount of secrecy and anonymity in private economic decisions vis-à-vis the government, which allow individuals to protect themselves against expropriation. Another is to use more decentralised policymaking and competition between governments, what is known as market preserving federalism.Another problem can be that many governments have simply failed to invest sufficient in the public goods of basic legal institutions and property registration institutions. The main priority is then to spend more in such areas to promote more secure property rights. But there can be problems here too. If the powerful can benefit from insecure property rights, there may be much pressure on the government not to enforce property rights and thus limited political will for property rights reform.
Besley and Ghatak close their column by noting,
In all cases, it is clear that the solutions have to be, to some degree, country-specific. The mantra of property rights reform too easily degenerates into an empty slogan. Also, property rights improvement is not a panacea especially when other aspects of an economy perform badly. But identifying the appropriate institutionalised solution is only a first step. How the political process is able to prevent the potential losers from blocking the reform is likely to be the crucial element.
- Field, Eirca (2007) “Entitled to Work: Urban Property Rights and the Labor Supply in Peru”, Quarterly Journal of Economics, November 2007
- Field, Erica and Maximo Torrero (2006) “Do Property Titles Increase Credit Access Among the Urban Poor? Evidence from a Nationwide Titling Program”, Working Paper, Harvard University, 2006.
- Galiani, Sebastian and Ernesto Schargrodsky (2005) “Property Rights for the Poor: Effects of Land Titling”, Working Paper, University of Washington, St. Louis, 200.
- Ghatak, Maitreesh and Tim Besley (2009) Property Rights and Economic Development, CEPR Discussion Paper 7243.
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this article. You might be interested in the work of several NGOs currently working on land and property rights to promote economic development and food security, such as the Rural Development Institute (www.rdiland.org), Agros( www.agros.org) or IDLO(www.idlo.org).
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