Friday, 11 July 2014

The Economics of World War I

For the history buffs among you here is an interesting collection of papers on "The Economics of World War I". The collection is from and it has been put together to commemorate the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War. Over the coming gyear Vox will be publishing a series of articles on the economics of the conflict itself, as well as on its causes and consequences. These will eventually be published in a Vox eBook.

Thus far there are four articles available:
Financial preparations leading up to WWI
Harold James, 8 July 2014
The 1907 panic emanated from the US but affected the rest of the world and demonstrated the fragility of the whole international financial order. The aftermath of the 1907 crash drove the then hegemonic power – Great Britain – to reflect on how it could use its financial power. There is a close link between the aftermath of a great financial crisis and the escalation of diplomatic tensions that led to war in 1914.

Changes in migration policies after 1914
Drew Keeling, 23 June 2014
The war declarations of August 1914 spelled far-reaching alteration to the fundamental character of modern long-distance international mass migration. For most of the preceding century, in the majority of big economies international human relocation had been largely peaceful, voluntary, and motivated by market incentives. Since 1914, it has been mostly shaped by politically determined quotas and legal restrictions, or driven by flight from war, oppression or similarly fearsome dangers and disasters

Four myths about the Great War of 1914-1918
Mark Harrison, 2 June 2014
As its centennial approaches, the events of the Great War have worldwide resonance. Most obviously, is China the Germany of today? Will China’s rise, unlike Germany’s, remain peaceful?

Height of World War I servicemen
Timothy J Hatton, 8 May 2014
The last century has seen unprecedented increases in the heights of adults. Among young men in western Europe, that increase amounts to about four inches. On average, sons have been taller than their fathers for the last five generations. These gains in height are linked to improvements in health and longevity.

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