Thursday, 5 September 2013

Interesting blog bits (updated lots of times)

A few of the many obituaries of and tributes to Ronald Coase:
  1. David Henderson
  2. Richard Epstein
  3. Richard Epstein
  4. Peter Boettke
  5. Peter Klein
  6. Donald J. Boudreaux
  7. David Gordon
  8. Robert Higgs
  9. Daniel Kuehn
  10. Vuk Vukovic
  11. Kevin Bryan. A version is also available at
  12. Victor W. Hwang
  13. Joshua Gans
  14. Edward Lopez
  15. Sarah Galer and Jeremy Manier
  16. Caleb Garling and Benny Evangelista
  17. Brendan Greeley
  18. Todd Zywicki
  19. Jonathan Turley
  20. Matthew Yglesias
  21. Stephanie Flanders
  22. John Kay
  23. Diane Coyle
  24. Nick Gillespie
  25. Dylan Matthews
  26. Mark Littlewood
  27. Timothy B. Lee
  28. Rupert Darwall
  29. Marc Sidwell
  30. Cass R. Sunstein
  31. John Naughton
  32. Edward Lotterman
  33. Phil Rosenthal
  34. John Cassidy
  35. Richard A. Epstein Epstein is a reply to Cassidy
  36. Phil Miller
  37. David P Goldman
  38. Martin Hutchinson
  39. Larry Downes
  40. Walter Olson
  41. Severin Borenstein
  42. Casey B. Mulligan
  43. Kenny Tan
  44. Ray Perryman
  45. Prashanth Perumal
  46. Robert Stavins
  47. Mike Rappaport
  48. J. Gordon Hylton
  49. Steven Medema
  50. Steven Medema
  51. Kevin Rafferty
  52. Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng
  53. Walter Block
  54. Donald J. Boudreaux
  55. Jonathan Z. Zhou
  56. Paul Greenberg
  57. Anna Demchenko
  58. Matt Nolan
  59. Peter Cresswell
  60. Oliver Hartwich
  61. The New York Times
  62. The Washington Post
  63. The Ronald Coase Institute
  64. The Wall Street Journal
  65. The New Zealand Herald
  66. The Economist
  67. The Economist
  68. The Sydney Morning Herald
  69. University of London
  70. Links to do with Coase being forced out of the University of Virginia
    1. Hawes Spence
    2. Nick Gillespie
    3. David Friedman
    4. George Leef

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