Friday, 6 April 2012

Graduates and drinking

From the Graduate Longitudinal Study New Zealand we learn that when it comes to how often graduates drink alcohol the results are:
11.5%  Never
9.3%  Almost never
11.7%  Less than once a month
10.7%  Once a month
14.4%  Once every two weeks
18.1%  Once a week
17.8%  Two or three times a week
4.4%  Four or five times a week
2.1%  Six or seven times a week
0.1%  Skipped question

How many standard drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking?

n = 7676 (88.0%) who indicated that they drink at least some alcohol (i.e., excluding those who indicated that they never drink alcohol) and responded to this item
Mean = 4.1 (SD = 3.6)
Median = 3.0
Mode = 2
Range = 1 – 25+ (those who endorsed 25+ drinks were assigned the lower limit value of 25)
Interquartile range = 2.0 – 5.0

How often do you have six or more standard drinks on one occasion?

n = 7713 (88.5%) who indicated that they drink at least some alcohol (i.e., excluding those who indicated that they never drink alcohol)
25.3% Never
26.4% Once or twice a year
17.6% Less than monthly
17.2% Monthly
13.0% Weekly
0.1% Daily or almost daily
0.3% Skipped question
I shall leave it to BERL to workout the social cost of graduates.


  1. Surely we'd need some linkage to baseline results to establish anything about the differential costs of graduates as compared to drop-outs or those who never attend tertiary.

    Results could be interesting.

  2. Since when do students answer these surveys honestly?

    Note, I'm not taking a position on the social cost of alcohol, but I can remember universities forcing these surveys infront of everyone, and it receiving a bit of a laugh.

    The results are more likely a commentary on what students 'think' appropriate levels of drinking are, not what they actually do.
