Friday, 15 April 2011

Lessons for New Zealand

Brink Lindsey has a new study out: Frontier Economics: Why Entrepreneurial Capitalism Is Needed Now More Than Ever.

According to the Kauffman Foundation,
Lindsey's analysis focuses on the evolving requirements of economic growth as countries grow richer. "Imitative growth," which comes from applying existing knowledge, becomes less important; "innovative growth," which comes from new ideas, becomes more important. The world economy has entered an era of "frontier economics," Lindsey says in the report, as growth is increasingly something that takes place at the technological frontier.

According to the paper, when countries are poor and less advanced, the economic future is relatively predictable. The example of rich countries allows policymakers in less developed countries to peek into the future and see the economic changes that need to be made. Consequently, there is less need for market competition to guide the course of development. But as countries successfully pursue "catch-up growth" and approach the technological frontier, the future grows increasingly uncertain. Now innovation, rather than imitation, is the key to continued progress, and the ceaseless trial-and-error experimentation of competitive markets becomes indispensable.
The richer nations get, the more they "rely on innovation to keep growth going – and, therefore, the more we need free-market policies that foster the creation of new businesses and the implementation of new ideas," Lindsey said in the report. "If we are to rise out of the current slump and launch a new, 21st-century boom, it is in the direction of freer, more competitive markets that our policies must turn."
So we need policies supporting innovation, policies that allow markets to work in developing new ideas, business and products. I just hope the new productivity commission is taking note.

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