Friday 13 August 2010

Someone said it

I came across a book "you can't yell "get in behind" to a kiwifruit", published in 1985, yesterday. It contains a number of examples of wisdom from bureaucrats, newspapers and politicians.

The Karori News tells us:
The public is to be given the opportunity to study the City Council's proposals for sewage disposal at Moa Point with an extensive display in the foyer of the Rates Office in the Council's Wakefield Street administration building.
I've always thought local politics was a pile of ......

One for the lawyers. The NZ Law Journal tells us
The cost of providing many of the services performed by the Department lags behind what it costs to provide them.
The Bay Sun points out that there seems to be a difference between "closed" and "officially closed".
The east end of Durham Street between Hamilton and Harrington Streets is officially closed. However, the road will remain open to traffic and normal traffic laws still apply to its use.
There are also traffic problems in Southland. From the Southland Times we learn
There would be give way signs at each approach so that once a vehicle entered the intersection it would stay there until it left.
And for the economists among us, The Economist notes
New Zealanders can count themselves lucky that they were rich to begin with. If theirs had been a developing country, the Muldoon Treatment would have made it one of the world's disasters.
and from the then Social Credit finance spokesman Les Hunter comes this,
The financial policy is being completely rewritten without changing the underlying principle.

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