Monday, 30 August 2010

The joy of being a zealot

From the Herald we learn:
Supermarkets are drug "pushers" who are selling high quantities of discounted wine and should be viewed the same as dealers dishing out Ecstasy pills or morphine.

It may seem extreme but it's a view that Professor Doug Sellman, director of the National Addiction Centre and spokesman for the Alcohol Action Group, is taking quite seriously.

Professor Sellman believes the Government should remove alcohol from supermarket shelves and limit the amount of advertising operators are allowed for liquor, among many changes he hopes might alter people's attitudes to drinking.
The alcohol Taliban are at it again. The good professor should realise that the majority of people don't need their attitudes to drinking changed, but may be he does.

Actually Sellman may be on to something here. There may be something to be said for supermarkets selling drugs in the same way they do alcohol. Legalisation of the sale of drugs would be a big step forward.

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