Friday 27 March 2009

Interesting blog bits

  1. Eric Crampton on Ignorance in the 2008 NZ Election.
  2. Not PC on Clever and creative billboard advertising.
  3. Jon Danielsson says Not so fast! There’s no reason to regulate everything.
    Many are calling for significant new financial regulations. This column says that if the “regulate everything that moves” crowd has its way, we will repeat past mistakes and impose significant costs on the economy, to little or no benefit. The next crisis is years away – we have time to do bank regulation right.
  4. goonix on France’s novel approach to the wage bargain: ‘boss-napping’.
  5. George Selgin on Federal Reserve should resist tinkering
  6. A review of Paul Collier´s new book War, Guns and Votes.

1 comment:

  1. The Selgin article was written in August 2007. Insightful.
