Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Crampton on NZ

Eric Crampton gives us his NZ Roundup over at Offsetting Behaviour. I have to say he has a much rosier view of things than I do. This government can, in my view, do a lot better than it is.


  1. Just think how much worse it could be!

  2. But think, it could also be sooooo much better!

  3. Interesting, can you give a potted summary of what you think this government SHOULD be doing ?

    I remain to be convinced that more government action is positive.

  4. I don't think either Paul or I would argue that Key should be doing more. As Bryan Caplan's put it, "Doing something hasn't worked. It's time to give nothing a chance."

    Some stuff he's been doing I greatly favour, like the 90 day bill. Anything that increases labour market flexibility is great.
