Saturday, 4 October 2008

Yet more views on the US bailout plan

Here is the transcript of a PBS News Hour programme on the US financial crisis and what to do about it. Guests on the programme include: Scheherazade Rehman, who has written about financial crises and advised a number of institutions, including the World Bank and central banks. She's a professor of international finance and business at the George Washington University. John Cochrane who is a professor of finance at the University of Chicago. He helped organize a letter signed by 200 economists questioning the design of the Paulson plan and Ken Rogoff who is a former chief economist for the IMF. He's now a professor of public policy and economics at Harvard University.

There are also links to a mp3 and a Streaming Video version of the programme.

Arnold Kling discusses the programme at EconLog in a posting entitled Cochrane and Rogoff on the PBS News Hour.

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