Friday, 4 July 2008

Why Chinese pollution is such a tough problem

Tyler Cowen at Marginal Revolution blogs on Why Chinese pollution is such a tough problem. He explains,
Here is one reason why, as explained by Brad Plumer
China's central government is well aware that its blackened rivers and sunless skies are a problem, not just because they're sparking riots and social unrest, but because out-of-control environmental degradation is imperiling the country's economic growth. Lately, Beijing has issued a slew of bold--at least on paper--environmental regulations. But the laws are doing little good because the central government can barely enforce them in its own provinces. This structural problem will remain the key to China's environmental dilemma, and, as countries attempt to push Beijing toward a cleaner future, they'll discover that the capital is the least of their troubles.
Cowen adds that recently the central government has passed some fairly "green" laws but these seem to be having little effect. Cowen points out that,
Beijing is aware of this local lawlessness, but has had little success handling it. "China used to send in swat teams from the central government," says Barbara Finamore, who directs the Natural Resources Defense Council's (NRDC) China program. "I've seen these campaigns going on for twenty years-- they'll come in, shut down some factories, and, when they leave, they'll open up again."
One question to be asked is, When will the Chinese per capita income near the point where people start to want to spend resources to improve the environment? Environmental quality is a normal good, as the Chinese become wealthier we should see increased effects to clean up the environment.

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